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Our Latest Newsletters:
Music, Connection & Irish Cheer
A heartwarming new episode of The Coro Chronicles, the magic of Couch Concerts, and a playlist of Irish singalongs just in time for St. Patrick’s Day! Plus, discover engaging activities for seniors and the role of music in healthcare in our latest blog posts.
Music, Faith, and Connection: A New Chapter with Coro Chronicles!
In our debut podcast episode, we reflect on the journey of Coro Health and its impact on senior living. Also, see how therapeutic music is transforming cardiac care and learn how karaoke can boost wellness in older adults.
How Coro Health is Revolutionizing Music & Spiritual Care
What started as a small idea has become a movement in senior care. Discover how Coro Health’s FaithFirst and MusicFirst programs are bringing comfort, connection, and healing to millions. Plus, explore our newest enhancements, including expanded faith content, music stations, and interactive engagement tools.
Transforming Senior Living with Music, Trivia, and Connection
EnrichFirst is the newest way to engage seniors through music, storytelling, and interactive activities. Discover how programs like Music Trivia, Sing-Along, and Old-Time Radio create vibrant, enriching experiences that enhance senior living communities.